27 May 2012
08 January 2012
05 January 2012
Lynching in Columbia
Beaten black and Blue by Gaitan's supporters

Mob dragging Roa's fully naked corpse, I made this screen cap from a vid.

Inset is Roa's pic

03 January 2012
Hanged nude
I've read about Sandanista movement in Chile executing there prisnoer in the nude but there's no proof that it really happen. The case of Dietrich however is true.

02 January 2012
John McCain in Vietnam
Prisoner of war
John McCain's capture and subsequent imprisonment began on October 26, 1967. He was flying his 23rd bombing mission over North Vietnam when his A-4E Skyhawk was shot down by a missile over Hanoi.[33][34] McCain fractured both arms and a leg ejecting from the aircraft, and nearly drowned when he parachuted into Truc Bach Lake Some North Vietnamese pulled him ashore, then others crushed his shoulder with a rifle butt and bayoneted him. McCain was then transported to Hanoi's main Hoa Lo Prison, nicknamed the "Hanoi Hilton".

After his capture at the Hanoi Hilton

McCain being pulled from a lake where he parachuted down.. the same people save him from probable drowning.. were also his enemy. They didnt save his life because its the right way, the saved him to punish him for his crimes. Later the same people stripped him naked and beat him.

Excerpt from a book
A rifle butt smashed his shoulder, a bayonet entered his ankle, another one entered his groin.. Stripped naked he was lying on the ground, when a woman, possibly a nurse, fought her way to tha front of the melee and applied sprints to his damaged limbs. As, the truck came to take McCain away, she held a cup of tea to his lips. These were the last kind of gestures he would know for sometime to come. The scene of his capture, recorded by photographers, would make frontpage news back in the United States. He was take to the notorious Hanoi Hilton.
Downed B29 crewmen
B29 Bomber- 42-65226

Below is the missing link I was looking for several years.
677th Squadron - 444th Group - 58th Wing -20th Air Bomber Command
11 Jan 1945. 42-65226
The B29 Bomber designated as serial number 42-65226 flying out of Dudhkundi, India was scheduled for a combat mission over Singapore, Malaya. The regular engineer for the mission was temporary at rest camp, and 1st LT Charles Vail was assigned to take his place. Two minutes prior to acquisition of the target during the bombing run, the plane was hit with Flak, and it exploded. Some of the crew were expelled from the plane, some bailed, and some were unable to bail out in time. All had the misfortune of landing almost on their intended target.
Three men died in the crash. SGT Wolk and SGT Vail died in the crash, and were identified at the scene. Another unidentified, was probably TSGT Holt, because of a Minnesota sports article found with the remains.
SSGT Ellis and SSGT Gumbert were the left and right gunners. They survived the initial explosion and subsequent crash. However, SSGT Gumbert's injuries were severe and his remains were found near the wreckage.
MAJ Wilson, LT Fitzgerald, 1st LT Heiss, and 1st LT Yowell survived the explosion of the plane, and were gathered together by Chinese guerrillas the night of 11 Jan 1945.
1st LT Yowell and 1st LT Heiss were separated from MAJ Wilson and LT Fitzgerald because the latter were injured and had to be carried by stretcher. The Chinese guerrillas would later report that Yowell and Heiss were unsuccessful crossing the road near a Japanese guard post.
LT Fitzgerald and MAJ Wilson were later reunited with SSGT Roberts who also had survived and been found by the Chinese guerrillas and they were all extricated by a British submarine.
SSGT Ellis, 1st LT Osterdahl, 1st LT Yowell and 1st LT Heiss were all captured on or about 12 Jan 1945, taken to Seletar Singapore, where they were interrogated by Lieutenant Commander Okamoto Tonshio, Engineer Staff Officer of the 10th Special Base Unit. The prisoners were confined in a wooden hut near the Naval Club at Seletar and were guarded by the men of the Land Deputy Command under OC Lt Yamaguchi Wataru which was a part of the 10th Special Base unit. For a period of about a week, the four prisoners were tortured.
SSGT Ellis had been captured as his parachute brought him to earth. He was beaten severely in public, and paraded through the streets once taken to Singapore. He shouted "Good for me and bad for you!" while he was beaten.
On the evening of 10, Feb. 1945, a party headed by Sub-Lieutenant Koayashi and Warrant Officer Toyama took the four prisoners to Nee Soon rifle range where they were beheaded. The bodies were initially buried, but were later dug up and cremated to hide the evidence of the war crimes. Lieutenant Commander Okamoto issued additional instructions for all his subordinates to keep quiet about the incident.
The unfortunate crewmen were;
Ellis, Samuel B., Jr (S/Sgt) - Left Gunner
Osterdahl, Carrol N. (1st Lt) - Navigator
Heiss, Edward (1st Lt) - Bombardier
Yowell, Robert W. (1st Lt) - Radar Operator
1st Lt Edward Heiss

General Orozimbo Barbosa

Barbosa, accused of being one of the main perpetrators of these bloody events, took command of the divisions gathered in Santiago and Valparaiso (8,000 men) to address Congressman revolutionary army of 9,000 troops. The decisive battle took place in Concón (20 km north of Valparaiso) on August 21, 1891. Barbosa and the government army were completely crushed, falling back to Valparaiso to defend this port city, while the revolutionary army of Congress, their numbers increased with many deserters from government forces, moved to the outskirts of this city in the east.
Barbosa, complicated by the defeat of Concón and a worsening of diabetes, was unable to effectively lead his troops in the final battle of the Placilla ( August 28 of 1891 ), fought on the outskirts of Valparaiso. After a struggle, the government army was totally defeated, fleeing his remains to the port.
Barbosa, helpless before the collapse of his army and seeing all was lost, tried to withdraw to the city, but was cornered by a group of cavalry congressman and brutally murdered along with his bodyguards. His body, stripped naked by his enemies, was sent to Valparaiso along with Brigadier General José Miguel Alcerreca also killed by the Congress.
It is noteworthy that the corpse of Commander in Chief of the Chilean army, hero of the Pacific War, Orozimbo Barbosa, was dragged naked (after the Battle of Chile's low Placilla where more than 10,000 lives) by the "Prussian black hair" through the streets of Valparaiso. Hasta el día de Hoy no se sabe el paradero de su cuerpo. To this day no one knows the whereabouts of his body.